Explore Dramatic Bible Characters & Themes
Excellent, Trustworthy, & Illustrative Character and Thematic Studies
Get a full bodied 3 dimensional representation of truth as presented in Scripture through particular characters.
Video Dramatizations
Professionally produced studio recorded videos that can be used for small groups or sermon introductions. Watch Esau - Part 1.
Leader Guides
Contains moral premise, historical guide, perspectives, and study questions for consideration and meditation.
Study Guides
Designed to encourage and empower members to study on their own and keep a running journal of their discoveries.

Dr. Reg Grant
Dr. Reg Grant serves as Senior Professor and Chair of the Department of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary. In his decades at DTS he has taught courses in preaching, drama, voice, creative writing, and literary studies. Over the last 50 years, he has taken his Bible Character performances and teaching across the United States, Canada, and into Central America, England, and throughout Europe. Reg has written, produced and acted for radio, television, theater, and film. Two of his films have won Emmys, several have been nominated, and two have received the coveted Golden Apple award for Best Educational Film in America.
Reg and his wife, Lauren, have three grown children: Rosalyn, Gabe and Nick, and several grandchildren. Lauren serves as a Meals on Wheels volunteer, and she loves babysitting their granddaughter, “Charlie.” They live in Garland, Texas, and enjoy “cowboying up” on their south Texas ranch.
UnderStudy Options...
Single Lesson
$45Choose 1 of 10 Characters
3-6 Videos
1 Leader Guide
1 Study Guide
* All Videos and Guides delivered digitally. No physical products will be shipped to you.
Full Bundle
$299Get All 10 Characters
40 Videos
10 Leader Guides
10 Study Guides
* All Videos and Guides delivered digitally. No physical products will be shipped to you.

Chuck Swindoll
I am thrilled… I have had the privilege of witnessing these performances numerous times, and I can verify that each one is presented with great respect for the Scriptures. While Reg is creative and colorful in his approach, he is accurate and reliable in his portrayal of each personality. In addition, his presentations are Invariably practical, strongly connected to the “real world” we live in, with riveting applications. I must add that each one is wonderfully entertaining for all ages, with delightful touches of humor inserted at just the right moments, always appropriately. Therefore, I endorse this website with utmost confidence. Having often invited him to present these characters when Insight for Living sponsors our events, tours, and cruises, I have had ample opportunities to observe the audiences’ response: they always want more. So will you!
Reg Grant’s performances have blessed me -
I’m reaching out to let you know how great Reg Grant’s performances have blessed me – the package not only included the videos but also leader and study guides. I encourage you hopefully to subscribe to the videos and materials (the list is actually more than what he presented to us at the Holy Land locations), especially now that most are at home studying or working from home.
I was also impressed with the depth of insight...
I recently received the videos and study guides that Reg Grant produced. We all saw how moving his performances of the Biblical characters were on our trip in the large amphitheater settings. What surprised me was that the close-up shots on the videos were even more moving, as I saw the nuanced facial expressions and subtle humor. I was also impressed with the depth of insight in the study notes.

Dr. Mark Bailey
For years I have watched the genius of Dr. Reg Grant in bringing biblical characters to life on stage and screen. What sets Reg apart is the depth of his research and the deftness of his ability to bring Scriptural truths truth to life with creativity, clarity and conviction.
What’s in a name?” Shakespeare asked. Well, if you were Jewish, that was a very important question. “What’s in a name?” “The character of the man, that’s what’s in a name!”
Let's StudyEsau
Revenge, they say, is a dish best served cold. Esau was a hungry man. He had an appetite for vengeance against his treacherous brother, Jacob, who had taken his birthright and his blessing.
Let's StudyFishboy
Some folks hunger for greatness, and they are never satisfied. Others have greatness stuffed down their throats, and can't stomach it. Then there are the precious few who discover true greatness in feeding others.
Let's StudyJabesh
He was just a common man. Until he joined a few of his town folk, a small group of honorable men, who decided that enough was enough, and it was time to take a stand against evil.
Let's StudyJohn on Patmos
When we think of John on the Isle of Patmos, we think of the book of Revelation. It was here that John received his visions of the end times. But have you ever wondered what it was like for John in those days?
Let's StudyJonah
What if God called us to carry His word into the black heart of the Islamic State? And what if – despite our reluctance and the brevity of our message – the jihadists repented and God saved them?
Let's StudyJoseph, Husband of Mary
A promise is only as good as the person who makes it. And Joseph was a good man. A righteous man. Joseph kept his promises. But what would he do when the one he loved most broke hers?
Let's StudyPeter
Peter was a blue-collar fisherman long before he was an apostle. He knew the satisfaction of a great catch. He knew the frustration of long nights and empty nets. But Peter was in for a surprise!
Let's StudySimeon
Keeping a promise takes commitment. Believing in a promise takes faith. The longer the promise is delayed, the stronger the faith must be. Simeon would discover, the greater the reward when the promise is fulfilled.
Let's StudyUriah
A king is not weakest when he is worn out from battle. Nor when he believes himself to be invincible in battle. He is weakest when the battle bores him - when he leaves the fighting to better men. Like Uriah.
Let's Study