The Engagement

January 17, 2022

Reg Grant

January 13 marked the 4th anniversary for Rosalyn and John. All of us on the Grant side of the aisle were happy to welcome John into our family, but none more so than 4-year-old Evan. During the lovely ceremony, which was held in their backyard, both John and Ros knelt and expressed their love for both Johnny and Evan. It was a sweet moment that Lauren and I will always cherish. We wondered about the boys. You never know what kind of impact that kind of interaction will have on a kid.

We found out last Thursday.

John and Rosalyn have begun celebrating their anniversary by including the boys (Evan, now 8, and Johnny, 10) and our newest addition, Charlie (2). They call it their “Familyversary.” They were sitting at the breakfast table and ready to pray when Evan volunteered. I don’t recall his ever having volunteered to pray before a meal or at any other time, so this was something special. They all bowed their heads, and Evan prayed this prayer:

Dear God, Thank you for our Familyversary. And thank you for the day that John & I got engaged. Amen.

What a tender-hearted boy. His words remind me that, perhaps more often than not, our seemingly small acts of love are never wasted. The Lord always sees, and sometimes gifts us with a glimpse into the heart of those we have touched. Sometimes years down the road.

Today, why not find someone – maybe a child who is close to you – and say, “I love you, and I’ll be here for you as long as God gives me breath.”

It can make a difference. Sharing love always does.

Reg Grant

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